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Life Across the Cosmos Page 16

  Bellon made to leap on top of him, then froze. “No fighting in my bar,” said a voice. David blinked up, taking a few seconds before he could focus enough to see the bartender waving a stun gun at them. “I think you should leave now.”

  “Fine,” Bellon growled. He stood and glared down at David. “If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you.” He turned and marched out of the bar.

  David slowly pulled himself to his feet and picked up his bag. He jaw ached as he stumbled out of the bar. A soft patch of grass lay a short distance from the door. David collapsed down on it, closed his eyes, and tried to wish the world away. He didn’t succeed. He never did.


  Atlantis: An allied world, used to be a Bantonan world. Vodyanois live there.

  Avon: A district in Pardis, where the Beloved Priests live and work.

  Bantonan Worlds: A number of worlds closely tied to Bantong. They have the same currencies, government, beliefs. Most Bantonan worlds are connected to Bantong by permanent gateways.

  Bantong: The center world.

  Gateways: A predictable, stable wormhole that connects one location to another, usually one world to another. Sometimes they only stay open for a time but others are permanent. Only blue gateways are safe.

  Jod: A district in Pardis, where the Law Priests live and work.

  Kumarkan: A district in Pardis, where the Lost Priests live and work.

  Lilipan: A Bantonan world. Conal’s home world.

  Pardis: The capital and largest city on Bantong, where Castle Eternal and the six priest districts are.

  Shamla: A district in Pardis, where the Passion Priests live and work.

  Takam: A country on Bantong, Niam’s home.

  Tikal: An allied world. Yetis live there.

  Thul: A district in Pardis, where the Heart Priests live and work.

  Valal: A district in Pardis, where the Sword Priests live and work.

  Vele: A Bantonan world, Anur’s home world.


  If you enjoyed this book, please visit my website, You can find my other works there, as well as free fiction and my newsletter.

  Books by N E Riggs:

  Shadows of an Empire:

  0: Swift as the Wind

  1: Tomb of the Moon

  2: Bloody Fire

  3: Into the Light

  4: Twisted Minds

  5: Caged Earth

  6: Whisper in the Wood

  Only the Inevitable:

  1: The Center of the Universe

  2: Life Across the Cosmos

  3: Lost Souls

  4: Second Chances

  5: Falling Time